The NIST phantom was acquired with a multislice T2 weighted Fast Spin Echo sequence (TR = 4800 ms, effective TE = 96 ms, echo spacing = 12 ms, ETL =8). Field of view = 256 mm x 256 mm, image matrix = 256 x 256, slice thickness = 5 mm, number of slices = 24. The number of subvoxels = 1 x 1 x 16, total number of subvoxels = 50,977,280. The calculation time was 75.9 min.

The T2 of the deionized water filled with the spherical container is very long (2000 ms!), a lot of multiple echoes or higher order echoes are generated and ghosting artifacts are observed in the reconstructed images as shown below. So we varied the T2 to be 2000 ms and 200 ms.

T2 of the surrounding water = 2000 ms:


T2 of the surrounding water is 200 ms: